The article Mainstreaming has been taken from Bookrags, here are a few sections from that article that I found very informative.
"Mainstreaming is an inclusive form of education in which students are taught in a comprehensive school system. Special education is available for students with special needs, but the goal is for the majority of students and those with special needs to learn in the same classroom whenever possible."(bookrags)
"In 1975, PL 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act) was passed, giving every child the right to education in the least restrictive environment. In effect, all schoolchildren were given the right to a free public education." (bookrags)
"With the advent of IDEA in the 1970s, educators and advocates for students with disabilities began pushing for all students to be taught among their peers in regular neighborhood schools."(bookrags)

"Mainstreaming is an inclusive form of education in which students are taught in a comprehensive school system. Special education is available for students with special needs, but the goal is for the majority of students and those with special needs to learn in the same classroom whenever possible."(bookrags)
"In 1975, PL 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act) was passed, giving every child the right to education in the least restrictive environment. In effect, all schoolchildren were given the right to a free public education." (bookrags)
"With the advent of IDEA in the 1970s, educators and advocates for students with disabilities began pushing for all students to be taught among their peers in regular neighborhood schools."(bookrags)

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